15281 Wilshire
33027 Miami Florida US
Precious Metals
Precious Metals
The rarity of gold and precious metals such as silver and platinum and their inalterability and ease of transport make them excellent safe haven assets.
Specifically, gold is a safe haven asset that is appreciated especially when the dollar depreciates. Silver, on the other hand, is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat and is easily worked as it is ductile. It can be used for the creation of jewelry and silverware objects and is the basis for the creation of internal circuits of various devices. Silver can also be present in its pure state or in the form of alloys of various kinds.Finally, platinum is used as a catalyst in the chemical industry and for the production of catalytic converters. It is also used for the treatment of fumes and water. In the electronics sector it is used to produce sensors and resistors. Being very ductile, it is easily cut into thin parts: this makes it a point of reference in medicine since it has no harmful effects on the body.
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